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WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN - Yes… throughout the school holidays, Yes … all Easter weekend classes as normal, and all bank holidays… unless it’s Christmas. We are open. If you are on holiday or out and about for the day and want to switch classes, that’s fine too, (just let us know so we can adjust ratios).
WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN - Yes… throughout the school holidays, Yes … all Easter weekend classes as normal, and all bank holidays… unless it’s Christmas. We are open. If you are on holiday or out and about for the day and want to switch classes, that’s fine too, (just let us know so we can adjust ratios).


Please note as of October 2023, all gymnastics class fees must be paid in full before the *28th* of each month to secure your child’s place for the following month. ie payment by 28th Oct is to confirm Nov place.

If payment is made after the 28th of each month an additional fee of £10 will be charged and your child’s class place maybe lost. This has been our policy (but not always followed through) for the last 12 months, but due to growing waiting lists, coaching ratios and increased costs, each class must be more cost effective (and we have to reduce the amount of admin time chasing late fees and therefore filling spaces too late in the month). Collecting late fees and having better class occupancy would have paid to fix our roof last year!

When paying online, please use your child’s name and class as the reference.

Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.

If your child does 2 hrs or more and are in the below classes, they need British Gymnastics Membership 2023-24.

Monday 6-8pm, Weds 4-6pm, Weds 6-8pm, Thurs 4-6pm, Saturday 1-3pm, Minis, Development, Juniors and Competition General and WAG.

When paying monthly class fees please quote your child’s Initials and BG Membership number, (e.g. ABC 1234567) within the bank reference, replacing their name and class details. The BG number will be used to align your payment to your child or children and to reserve their place(s).

Note: Individual BG Membership numbers can be found on the BG website and are also given when you purchase or renew membership each year.


We are open through the school holidays, bank holidays and summer months and will only close for 2 weeks in December. If families are out and about during holiday weekends, gymnasts are welcome to switch sessions to a more convenient day the following week so they don’t miss out on paid-for sessions. 

Thank you, TK Gymfit