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WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN - Yes… throughout the school holidays, Yes … all Easter weekend classes as normal, and all bank holidays… unless it’s Christmas. We are open. If you are on holiday or out and about for the day and want to switch classes, that’s fine too, (just let us know so we can adjust ratios).
WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN - Yes… throughout the school holidays, Yes … all Easter weekend classes as normal, and all bank holidays… unless it’s Christmas. We are open. If you are on holiday or out and about for the day and want to switch classes, that’s fine too, (just let us know so we can adjust ratios).

Bradford’s new gymnastics club is up and running

TK Gymfit has been operating from Bradford’s newest gymnastics facility since April 2017. Already, 85 children new to gymnastics have taken up the sport and become regular participants. Gaining strength, co-ordination, flexibility, spatial awareness, new skills and confidence. Altogether, the centre is now host to over 250 young people per week taking part in gymnastics. Along with all the health benefits it brings. In May, 200 gymnasts achieve a new personal level and gained a new Badge!

In addition to this, 8 new leaders have been trained. They will support the classes to provide more fun and safety with lower ratios. We are also training and mentoring 4 coaches to get their next level qualifications. We already have one of the largest gymnastics coaching teams in the area.

Gymnastics club official opening

In June, we will have our club display and official opening evening at TK Gymnastics Centre, to celebrate our first few months and look forward to the future years to come. We have a team of Coaches / Leaders and Parent Volunteers supporting the centre from coaching to admin and facility maintenance which help the club continue to grow and evolve.

Join us now